Turbulent Mixing and Beyond

Interfaces and Mixing

14-18 March 2022
Chicago, IL, USA
Invited Symposium at the American Physical Society March Meeting


Symposium Outline



Proceedings and Publications



Symposium outline

The Symposium 'Interfaces and Mixing' is invited at the 2022 March Meeting of the American Physical Society.

Interfaces and mixing, and their hydrodynamics, govern a broad range of processes in nature and technology, by coupling micro to macro scales. Examples include interfacial mixing, turbulent mixing, convection, combustion, nanofabrication and astrophysical applications. Significant success achieved recently in theory, experiment and simulations opens new opportunities for studies of fundamentals of interfaces and mixing, and for addressing challenges of modern science and technology.

The Invited Symposium explores and assesses the state-of-the-art in hydrodynamics of Interfaces and Mixing and to chart future research directions in this actively developing research area.