Turbulent Mixing and BeyondThird International Conference21 - 28 August, 2011The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy ![]() |
Home Goals and Objectives Outline of Themes Committees Conference Structure Invited Presentations Young Scientist Award Abstract Submission Program Proceedings and Publications Important Dates Registration Travel and Visas Accommodation Financial Support Sponsors Useful Links Contact information |
Goals and ObjectivesThe goals of the program 'Turbulent Mixing and Beyond' are
to expose the generic problem of Non-equilibrium Turbulent Processes to a wide scientific community, to promote the
development of new ideas in tackling the fundamental aspects of the
problem, to assist in application of novel approaches in a broad range
of phenomena, where the turbulent processes occur, and to have a
potential impact on technology.
'Turbulent Mixing and Beyond' is the program established for scientists by scientists. It is merit-based, and is shaped by requirements of academic credentials, novelty and information quality. The program was founded in 2007 with the support of international scientific community and of the US National Science Foundation, the US Air Force Office of the Scientific Research and its European Office for Research and Development in the UK, the Commissariat l'Energie Atomique in France, the UNESCO-IAEA International Centre for Theoretical Physics in Italy, the US Department of Energy and the Department of Energy National Laboratories, the Institute for Laser Engineering in Japan, and the University of Chicago in USA.
The International Conference 'Turbulent Mixing and Beyond' provides opportunities to bring together researchers from the areas,
which include but are not limited to fluid dynamics, plasmas, high
density physics, astrophysics, material science, combustion,
atmospheric and
earth sciences, nonlinear and statistical physics, applied mathematics,
probability and statistics, data processing and computations, optics and communications, and to have their
attention focused on the long-standing formidable task of non-equilibrium
turbulent processes.
experts and researchers at advanced and early stages of their carriers from academia, national laboratories, corporations and industry, as well as graduate students from
developed and developing countries are invited to participate.
At the First and Second International Conferences 'Turbulent
Mixing and Beyond' it was found that: (i) TMB-related problems have in common a set
of outstanding research issues. (ii) Their solution has a potential
to significantly advance a variety of disciplines in science,
technology and mathematics. (iii) TMB participants conduct highly
innovative research and their interactions strengthen the
community might.
Based on the success of TMB-2007 and TMB-2009 and on the recommendations of TMB Round Tables and responding the inquiry of the community, the Third International Conference 'Turbulent Mixing and Beyond,' TMB-2011, has been organized at the International Centre for Theoretical Physics.Non-equilibrium turbulent processes is the intellectually rich and highly fascinating problem, whose exploration may have a transformative impact on our understanding of a wide variety of physical phenomena, from atomistic to astrophysical scales, on fundamental principles of mathematical modeling of the dynamics of continuous media and non-equilibrium kinetics, and on the technology development in fusion, nano-electronics, telecommunications, and aeronautics. The following objectives have been achieved at TMB-2011:
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